Rail Delivery Group responds to RMT's claims the strikes have been "a success"
In response to some of Mick Lynch's claims this morning that the strikes have been "a success"
A spokesperson for the Rail Delivery Group, said: “There have been three pay deals offered which the RMT executive have reneged despite their negotiators in the room agreeing the terms. We’ve said all along we just want railway workers to have their say on the fair and affordable offer of up to a 13% rise over two years, plus guarantees on job security.
“While their rhetoric continues, this is merely a diversion to the very real financial challenge the industry is facing with taxpayers still shelling out up to an extra £175 million a month to keep the trains running by making up the 20% shortfall in revenue post-covid. The only way to afford it is by bringing in long overdue, common-sense reforms that would improve services and punctuality for our passengers. In most cases, these simply extend best practice already in place in parts of the network.
“The RMT leadership must recognise the way our passengers use the railway has changed for good, and work with us to adapt so we can secure the long-term future of an industry. The only thing they have achieved is continuing to take money out of their members pockets, inflicting misery on thousands of people and damaging an industry which is vital to Britain’s economy and their own members’ livelihoods.
“We urge the RMT leadership to engage seriously with the financial challenges the industry faces, agree between them what they want from the negotiation and come back to the table, so we can resolve this dispute for the sake of everyone who relies on the railway.”